
Bucket List Blog Photo - Yellow Window

Do you have a bucket list?

I’ve heard many people, including myself, say “I would like to go there  someday or I would like to do it someday”—what my cancer taught me is that you may run out of ‘somedays’ some day. As we get older, we finally get the point that our lifetime is finite.

In all fairness, this elusive ‘someday’ can’t be today for many of us. We don’t  often have the luxury of time or money to take a year off and sail around the world. But if you keep doing the same thing every day, your ‘someday’ will never come.

For years  I’ve been saying that ‘someday’ I would like to take my girls to Korea.Truthfully, I kept talking myself out of it – excuses like “ I can’t take time off from work”; “instead of spending money on vacation I should be investing in my business or the business needs me… etc.”, same excuses as everyone else— money and time. So easy to fall into the same trap.

So, I finally decided that ‘someday’ is going to be May. I’m taking my two daughters to Korea for 10 days and I will not be here for Mother’s Day weekend. This is probably the worst time to be away as a spa owner. Not only is May our first business anniversary but also one of the busiest weekends. But this is the only time that works for my eldest daughter because of her summer job.

My obvious first reaction was NO, I can’t be away in May. But I got tired of making excuses to myself and my daughters. Since I consider myself an excellent problem solver, I made a list of obstacles I need to overcome to make this trip happen.   Also I stopped listening to other business owners who believe that you need to work really hard to be successful. I believe in working smart and not harder.

The next thing I did was to book our flights.  Once we booked our flights, things became real.We are doing this. The next step was to implement an operational framework so the business can operate without me. I knew I had to delegate more operational responsibilities to my sister so she can run the day to day business. I also needed to plan all my marketing campaigns and social events well in advance.   Now that I have a game plan in place, every day I try to move the ball a bit closer to the finish line.

Einstein said “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.  ‘Someday’ will never come unless you plan it and move the ball forward.  Don’t let your limiting thoughts stop you from realizing your dream.   Stop day dreaming.   Make a real bucket list and start planning. If your dream is to take a year off and sail around the world, what’s stopping you?  Start planning. Don’t just say “someday”. Go ahead and pick a date. One year, five years or ten years from now. Make a commitment.   Start saving money. Pick a real date for your ‘someday’.

My ‘someday’ is May 2.

Xo Violet

Bucket List Travel to Korea with Daughters

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