Love Is the Answer! 

Love Is the Answer!

The Yellowdoor community has grown so much in the last few years and some of you might not know me well. So I wanted to re-introduce myself and share my story. Hi! I’m Violet, the dreamer and co-owner of Yellowdoor. Obviously, you all met Anna, a bundle of energy and kindness, also my sister and the best business partner one could ask for.

On March 12, 2017, I wrote in my diary these exact words “I have a plan, I’ll be OK!!!! Seeing my path, I’ll be FINE!! I’ll build a nail bar empire called “Yellowdoor Nail Bar.”  Yes, I know – many exclamations and cringe worthy 🙂 I couldn’t contain my excitement when this inspiration struck me like a lightning bolt. In a split second, my future life came into a sharp focus. One year prior to this moment, I had walked away from my Bay Street career of 20 years and my 25 year marriage. I jumped off the proverbial cliff with only one thing In mind  – the trust in me and the universe. Many times my self doubts consumed me, but this moment made it all true. And the rest is history, as the saying goes! 

Many people might say that my self-discovery journey started when I was diagnosed with breast cancer 10 years ago. Probably, they’re not wrong, although at the time, I was too busy trying NOT to die. By the way, surviving is different from living. Slowly, I realized that my biggest fear was not dying but not living my life to the fullest. And no one is going to be responsible for your life but you.

My vision for Yellowdoor was not only about building a business but about building a community where we can come together to share our stories and inspire each other. And I wanted to use our blog as a platform to share not only my journey as an entrepreneur and solo adventurer but also to share interesting and relevant topics on health, wellness, travel… an endless list of topics… and maybe some of you would like to contribute as well… btw this idea just occurred to me as I’m writing this, I think it is a fantastic idea, what do you guys think? If you are a writer and would like to contribute to our blogs, please send us an email at

Thank you for reading this blog and for being part of the Yellowdoor community. And I promise you will see more blogs on a regular basis, so please stay tuned!

Trust the universe, love the universe… know that the universe loves you!

Xo Violet

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